FAQ for 2020-2021 Enrollment
I heard you are holding daily classes on campus, is that the case? Yes, we are holding school every day on campus with significant allowances for health and safety.
Do you have room in your classes for my children? Currently, we have a waiting list for all grades, 1st-8th. Preschool and Kindergarten have available space. Due to COVID recommendations we have limited our class sizes. We desire to partner with all families who value Christian Education and will do our best to accommodate families who apply.
How do I get my students enrolled or on the wait list? An application is available on the website. When an application is received via email we add your students to the list. If space is available, we will follow up with an in person meeting to discuss enrollment. Please email an application to miller@bellinghamchristianschool.org.
Can I talk to someone or have a tour of the school? Yes, we can set up individual campus tours or phone meetings to answer your questions and discuss our plans for the this year. Please fill out the “Take a Tour” form to schedule a meeting with our enrollment team.