1959: Bellingham Christian School was founded and built by a group of 10 Christian families to be a place where parents can educate their children and bring them up in Christ. Opened with 24 students.
1962 | Bellingham Christian is incorporated
1991 | Differences led to the establishment of two schools: Evergreen Christian & Bellingham Christian School
2008 | A group from all three schools (Evergreen Christian, Lynden Christian, and Bellingham Christian) met to discuss reunification.
2015| Lynden Christian, Evergreen Christian and Bellingham Christian met regarding how to effectively provide the highest quality Christian education in Bellingham. The conversation actually has a longer history because Evergreen Christian and Bellingham Christian were once one school.
2018| January: Conversations with Lynden Christian and Evergreen Christian regarding how to effectively provide the highest quality Christian education possible in Bellingham began a few years previous. The conversation actually has a longer history because Evergreen and Bellingham Christian were once one school. This reunification of our middle schools was the strategic first step in pursuing an exciting vision for growing Christian education in Bellingham, while developing a complementary relationship with Lynden Christian Schools.
2018 | September: Evergreen Christian middle school students reunify with Bellingham Christian.
2019 | September: Evergreen Christian P3-5th grade students reunify with Bellingham Christian.
2022| September: Begin Bellingham Christian High School with 9th grade.
2023| September: Through 10th Grade to Bellingham Christian High School.
2024 | September: Through 11th Grade to Bellingham Christian High School.