Experiential Learning
As we seek to develop servant-leaders who can impact the world, we will provide students with plenty of opportunities for hands-on learning and consequential leadership–leadership in which the stakes are higher and more public than receiving a grade from the teacher, and students are allowed to make and learn from mistakes. This model of learning can be implemented on a variety of scales ranging from local to global. Here are some potential examples of experiential learning activities at each level of scale:
High School Experiences:
Local – Classroom: Lab activities in physics, chemistry, or biology. Q&A with visiting local pastors about their perspectives on the role and mission of the church today. Designing and refining robots.
Local – School Community Teaching storytelling skills to the elementary students. Planning and overseeing Field Day and Fun Run. Producing a yearbook or a school newspaper. Planning and leading chapel for middle school.
Local – Whatcom County Planning and doing service projects in conjunction with Lighthouse Mission. Interviewing local farmers and touring farms for a geography unit on agriculture. One-day leadership adventure course at the Firs.
Regional/State – Touring the capitol building in Olympia; Q&A with local representatives. Ecosystem studies on the Olympic Peninsula. Three-day leadership and spiritual retreat at Lakeside.
National – Washington, DC Field Trip Students collaborate with staff to raise funds for the trip, plan the itinerary, plan and lead transportation, coordinate meals, and lead regular worship/devotional time. Students research ahead of time so that they can be tour guides for their classmates on various landmarks or monuments. Students present to parents about what they learned at a family BBQ after returning.
Global – We would like to offer an immersive global experience trip of some kind, and are exploring various possibilities.