Classroom Art
Preschool & Kindergarten do a variety of art throughout the school year in their classroom.
For elementary and middle school, we have two Art teachers: Mrs. Ann Long teaches 1st-4th grade Art and Mrs. Shawna Bonsen teaches 5th-8th grade Art.
In high school, this looks differently throughout the school year. Our Admissions Coordinator would be happy to share more.
Available for all boys and girls entering grades 5-8. This offering meets all year round and practices twice a week before school from 7:30 – 8:10 am. Students may join in for just one semester or both. Students participate in two performances, one at Christmas time and one in the spring.
Beginner Band
Available for all boys and girls entering grades 5/6. Practices will normally be after school from 3:00 – 4:00 pm, twice a week. This offering meets all year round and performs once at Christmas time and once in the spring.
Intermediate Band
Available for all boys and girls entering grades 7th grade through HS. One practice happens during the school day and one after school from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. This offering meets all year round and performs once at Christmas time and once in the spring.